Picture this: You’ve scoured Rightmove for months, pinpointed your favourite locations and have a good idea of what your budget is – now it’s time to start arranging viewings!
A home is a lot more than just a place to live in so it’s crucial you spend time making sure the area and property are a good fit for your needs and lifestyle. By following our tips, you’ll minimise the common house-viewing mistakes that are potentially very costly.
Scout out the local area

When house-hunting in a new area, it’s crucial that you scout out the local neighbourhood to make sure it has everything you need.
If you have children, you may want to check the proximity of local schools and parks. If you don’t drive, check whether public transport is frequent and easy to access.
Once you’ve ticked off your priorities, ask yourself about the ‘feel’ of the area. Are you looking for somewhere with lots of community spirit, or is a bustling high street more important?
Wander down the street

Once you’re outside your potential new home for the first time, do a quick scan of the street. If the house has no driveway, check whether on-street parking is available and whether the street gets busy quickly. Keep an eye out for litter and take a look at other homes on the street – the appearance of neighbouring properties can impact your resale price in the future!
Check for damp

From the moment you walk in, keep an eye out for damp. Look closely at the ceiling, walls and around the skirting boards for flaky plaster, watermarked patches and a mouldy smell. Damp can be a sign of poor maintenance or ineffective building work which is an expensive thing to fix.
Make sure the windows are intact

Take a look at the windows and check that the double-glazing is faultless. A sign of a faulty double-glazed window is condensation between the panes. If the windows have a wooden frame, make sure they have not rotten as they can be expensive to replace.
Look at the size of the rooms

It’s important to make sure the rooms are fit for purpose. Is there enough room to work from home and is there space to have guests to stay if socialising is an important part of your lifestyle? Some new-build developers decorate the property with smaller furniture to make the room look bigger – so keep an eye out for this! You could even take a tape measure with you to ensure that your existing furniture will fit.
Find out how old the roof is

Checking the age of the property’s roof is a good way of saving yourself money in the long-run. Newer roofs are expected to last around 20 years before they need replacing, which can be expensive to do. Keep an eye out for worn or missing roof tiles as these defects can lead to leaks and water damage.
Take a look at the electrics and plumbing

As you view each room, look out for worn wiring as this can be dangerous and expensive to replace. When viewing the bathroom and kitchen, run the taps to check the water pressure. It is also worth asking the estate agent whether the radiators work and how old the boiler is. As energy prices continue to surge, an effective boiler is crucial!
Find your dream home

Once you’ve completed several house-viewings, make sure you reflect on the pros and cons of each property whilst checking you’re not stretching outside of your budget. For more tips on house hunting, sign up to Moveable for free here and access our dedicated ‘house hunting’ guide. You can also find our exclusive guide to buying a home here.