6 working from home productivity tips

16th Feb, 2022

6 tips and tricks for working from home

6 tips and tricks for working from home

Now that hybrid working models are likely to continue into the near future, working from home can feel like a necessity instead of a luxury. Although it can definitely have its perks, it can be hard for many to transition from working in the office to working from home.

One of the challenges with working from home is the inability for some to maximise their productivity when working. This is why Moveable has created a list of tips and tricks that can help you make the experience not only more productive, but also more relaxing.


1. Have a designated work space

While working from your bed can be quite comfortable and manageable, it may not be ideal. Research shows that working from bed can actually decrease not only your sleep quality, but also work productivity, energy levels and quality of life. In order to ensure maximum productivity, it is better to have a designated working space without any potential distractions around you. If you’re struggling to find space, particularly for those living in the city, try repurposing your dressing table or even your dining table. You can even place a smaller table in front of a window, so the area feels a lot more spacious than it looks.


2. Make use of your kitchen during your lunch break

When you’re working from home, it can be hard to find balance between work and home life. That is why it is important to have designated breaks and incorporate some form of movement into your day. One of the perks of working from home is the ability to easily access your kitchen, meaning that you don’t have to rely on buying lunch every day. Why not make use of this space and make yourself a delicious meal during your lunch break? You can find some meal ideas packed with nutrients and flavour here.


3. Set clear boundaries

Speaking of designated breaks, it is crucial that we create clear boundaries around work and our personal life, to ensure that we avoid burnout. This means having a specific routine and sticking to it. Time management coach Dearmon Kornick, calls this a ‘shut-down routine’, whereby it helps with the transition from work to your free time. When working from home, this could be as simple as getting ready for the day by making coffee, to going for a walk outside, to watching a TV show during your lunch break, to closing your laptop when you reach the end of the day. By sticking to a schedule, it creates the self-discipline needed to work productively, and make valuable use of your time, while ensuring that you get the most out of your free time.


4. Have proper lighting

Looking at your computer screen all day can be quite exhausting, especially with the continuous exposure to blue light. While you can get filter screens and glasses that blocks out the blue light, it is also crucial to have good lighting around you when working at home to ensure productivity and bright ideas. If you have natural lighting at home, try to make sure that your working space is in this area. Open the blinds, curtains and windows if you can and let the fresh air and light in. If not, try getting a desk lamp to reduce eye strain and ultimately help you concentrate for longer. No space for a standing or table lamp? Try saving space with a wall light or a clip-on light.


5. Get some greenery

As well as bringing your space at home to life, house plants have proven to be beneficial in boosting your mood, reducing stress and increasing creativity – everything you need when working from home! Even more importantly, for those of us looking at the computer screen all day, having some greenery at home can be good for the eyes too. Studies have shown that the colour green is actually soothing to the eyes, due to its medium wavelength which is considered to more comforting and calming than the other colours. Hence, by adding some greenery to your home, it can help our eyes feel less fatigued and tired, especially if you’re working from home all day.


6. Make use of storage

Organisation is key to ensuring that you are maximising your productivity when working from home. The best way to organise? Decent storage. By keeping storage baskets and organisational systems next to your workspace, you’re not only able to easily find things, but it also means that after a long day of work, everything can be stored away. This way, you can also create a physical boundary between working and after-work hours. More importantly, this ensures that there are no further distractions after a long day of working hard.

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